length = int(input())
nums = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
summ = sum(nums)
third = summ // 3
if summ % 3 == 0 and third != 0 and length > 2:
sum_temp = 0
counter = 0
for i in range(length):
sum_temp += nums[i]
if sum_temp == third:
counter = i + 1
if counter == length:
sum_temp = 0
zero_count1 = 1
negative_sum1 = 0
negative = True
adder = 0
for i in range(counter,length):
sum_temp += nums[i]
if nums[i] < 0 and negative:
negative_sum1 += nums[i]
if abs(negative_sum1) == third:
adder = 1
negative = False
negative = False
if sum_temp == third:
counter = i + 1
elif sum_temp == 0:
zero_count1 += 1
if counter == length:
sum_temp = 0
zero_count2 = 1
negative = True
for i in range(counter,length):
sum_temp += nums[i]
if nums[i] < 0 and negative:
negative_sum1 += nums[i]
if abs(negative_sum1) == third:
adder += 1
negative = False
negative = False
if sum_temp == 0:
zero_count2 += 1
if sum_temp != third:
print(zero_count1 * zero_count2 + adder)
elif third == 0 and length > 2:
temp_sum = 0
zero_counter = -2
for i in range(length):
temp_sum += nums[i]
if temp_sum == 0:
zero_counter += 1
566. Reshape the Matrix | 167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted |
387. First Unique Character in a String | 383. Ransom Note |
242. Valid Anagram | 141. Linked List Cycle |
21. Merge Two Sorted Lists | 203. Remove Linked List Elements |
733. Flood Fill | 206. Reverse Linked List |
83. Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | 116. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node |
145. Binary Tree Postorder Traversal | 94. Binary Tree Inorder Traversal |
101. Symmetric Tree | 77. Combinations |
46. Permutations | 226. Invert Binary Tree |
112. Path Sum | 1556A - A Variety of Operations |
136. Single Number | 169. Majority Element |
119. Pascal's Triangle II | 409. Longest Palindrome |
1574A - Regular Bracket Sequences | 1574B - Combinatorics Homework |
1567A - Domino Disaster | 1593A - Elections |
1607A - Linear Keyboard | EQUALCOIN Equal Coins |